Whenever you move house, there’s a lot of administration work involved. As well as moving your furniture and clothing, cleaning, unpacking and settling into your new space, you’ll also have […]
Whenever you move house, there’s a lot of administration work involved. As well as moving your furniture and clothing, cleaning, unpacking and settling into your new space, you’ll also have to change your address in a number of different places.
To make your life easier, you can use our interactive moving checklist to help you sort out these extra tasks. Look to the bottom of the list for a change of address checklist, or use the following as a guide:
One of the first places you’ll need to change your address is with your local roads and transport authority. You’ll need to update your car registration details and ensure your license has your new address on it too. Check with your state or territory to see if you need to physically go in to complete this, or if you can do it online. If you change your address on your license first it will help you to easily change your address with other places as well.
While you’re in the process of changing your address over it’s a good idea to have a mail redirection put into place. Simply visit Australian Post to get it organised and pay the appropriate fee. This will make sure you don’t miss out on any important mail or parcels you’d forgotten were on the way. Keep it going for around 6 months to ensure you don’t miss a thing.
You’ll need to transfer your phone and internet accounts to your new address in order to activate them. Don’t forget to do this before you move so you can ensure you’ll have a working phone line and internet access as soon as you get to your new place.
Your gas, electricity and water accounts will all need to be changed over to your new address. You should be able to do this before your moving day to make the transition smooth and painless. Just let them know which date you’ll be leaving your existing address and when you’ll be getting to your new place.
Updating your address with authorities like ATO, Centrelink and Medicare are all done easily through the MyGov website. Ensure you let them know you’ve changed your address as soon as you can so you continue to receive payments, rebates and notices.
It’s an easy one to forget, but make sure you change your details with the Electoral Commission as soon as you move. Otherwise, when it comes time to vote again, you might find out you’re not in the right electorate.
You’d better let your boss know you’ve moved too. It’s not so they can come around for a visit, but so they can update your payroll and employment details.
Update your car, home and contents insurance providers as soon as possible as this can have an impact on your premiums and your coverage.
Got some furry friends? Make sure you update the vet on your change of address. If you have a dog or a cat, you’ll also need to update their microchip and local council registration details as well just in case they go wandering away from home.
If you’ve got school-aged children, you’ll need to let the school know you’ve changed address. If you attend university or TAFE, let them know your updated details as well.
Your doctor, dentist, physiotherapist and any other health care provider will need to know about your change of house as well. Update over the phone or pop in for a quick visit so they know where to send any check-up reminders or notices.
Inform your bank or financial institution of your new details as soon as you can. They often send out statements or notices via mail and you want to make sure you don’t miss out on anything important when it comes to your money.
Get newspapers, magazines or food boxes delivered to your house? Let them know they’ll need to send it to a different location. Don’t forget your favourite food delivery service as well. You don’t want to miss out on your reading material or find you have nothing to eat for dinner.
Last, but definitely not least, let your friends and family know your new address. They’ll need to update their records for sending mail or coming around to visit. If you’re lucky, you might even get some people pop by with a house warming gift to celebrate your new home.
There’s a lot of different things you need to remember when you move house. Changing your address in a bunch of different places is, unfortunately, part of the process. While we can’t help you do that, Hire A Mover can help you get your items to your new place in an efficient and professional way. For more information on how we can help you, call us today on 1300 358 700 or request a quote via our website.